
Click a category to view available documents

Restoration Agreements

  1. 1984 Restoration Agreement
  2. 1987 Restoration Agreement
  3. 1991 Restoration Agreement
  4. 1999 Restoration Agreement
  5. 2001 Restoration Agreement
  6. 2016 Anacostia Accord

Anacostia Watershed Restoration Partnership

  1. Steering Committee

Annual Reports

  1. Annual Report Card (2009)
  2. Annual Report Card (2008)
  3. Annual Report Card (2007)
  4. Annual Report Card (2006)
  5. Annual Report (2005)
  6. Annual Report (2004)
  7. Annual Report (2003)
  8. Annual Report (2002)
  9. Annual Report (2001)


  1. Currents 2002
  2. Currents 2003
  3. Currents 2004-2005
  4. Networker Volume 1, 2002
  5. Networker Volume 2, October 2003
  6. Networker Volume 3, 2004

Subwatershed Studies

  1. Fort Dupont Restoration Study, 2000
  2. Sligo Creek Trash Reduction Plan, 2000
  3. Sligo Creek Trash Reduction Initiative
  4. CSO and Trash Reduction Report, 2001
  5. CSO and Rain Barrel Report, 2001
  6. Pope Branch Restoration Study, 2003
  7. Fort Chaplin Restoration Study, 2004
  8. Technical Memorandum: Anacostia Tributary Streambank Erosion Pilot Study - Phase I Upper Beaverdam Creek Subwatershed, 2004
  9. Technical Memorandum: Anacostia Tributary Streambank Erosion Pilot Study - Phase II-A Upper Beaverdam and Indian Creek Subwatershed, 2006

Biological Monitoring

  1. Migratory Fishes in the Anacostia Watershed, 1999 - 2001
  2. Migratory Fishes in the Anacostia Watershed, 2002 - 2004

Forestry Resources

  1. 2005 Anacostia Watershed Forest Management and Protection Strategy

Watershed-wide Monitoring

  1. Anacostia Watershed Monitoring Strategy

Trash Related Information

  1. Anacostia Stream Trash Surveying Methodology and Indexing System, 1998
  2. Anacostia Trash Trends - Tidal River and Tributaries
  3. Anacostia Tributary Trash Survey Map 2003-2004
  4. Anacostia Watershed Trash Reduction Strategy, 2006
  5. Potomac River Watershed Trash Treaty, 2007 (External Link)

Anacostia Watershed Restoration Planning

  1. USACE Anacostia Watershed Comprehensive Plan, 2006
  2. USACE Anacostia Restoration Plan, 2010


  1. Anacostia Watershed and Subwatershed Poster
  2. Anacostia Imagery Map (Letter-sized)

Anacostia River Sediments and Related Information

  1. Tidal River Toxic Remediation Update (2014)

Partnership Meeting Archives

  1. 2020 Meetings
  2. 2019 Meetings
  3. 2018 Meetings
  4. 2017 Meetings
  5. 2016 Meetings
  6. 2015 Meetings


  1. Anacostia Watershed Advocacy Workshop II
  2. Anacostia Watershed Advocacy Workshop I
  3. Stewardship Workshop Proceedings
  4. Stormwater II Proceedings
  5. Citizen Summit I (03/24/07)
  6. Green Infrastructure Tour
  7. Progress and Conditions Report (1999)